
 You know that FB ads and sales funnels are the smart way to build your business but you feel confused and overwhelmed on how to start.
+ You think you need a lot of time that you don’t have to learn the right way to do FB ads and build a sales funnel.

+ You are worried that you will do FB Ads “wrong” and waste time and money.

+ You feel stuck because you can’t quit your day job until you can
    replace its income, but that day job consumes most of your time.

  • Programa intensivo con 4 meses de duración
  • Altamente personalizado
  • 5 participantes máximo por edición
  • Inicio: enero 2023

Cursos de formación 100% online en formato video todas las semanas

Reuniones individuales cada mes

Reuniones grupales TODAS las semanas

Grupo de apoyo exclusivo para participantes

 You know that FB ads and sales funnels are the smart way to build your business but you feel confused and overwhelmed on how to start.

+ You think you need a lot of time 

Patricia García Ferrer - Inicio

PRECIO: 120€/MES (Total: 480€)


  • Pack de bienvenida
  • Grupo reducido de trabajo
  • Formación online cada semana
  • Seguimiento personalizado de la novela
  • Reuniones individuales todos los meses
  • Reuniones grupales semanales
  • Disponibilidad completa para dudas y consultas
  • Bonus adicionales

La edición

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